Saturday, July 26, 2008

Big Week

Soren had a big week, vacationing at the beach and meeting lots of people (and dogs). The adventure began with a seven-hour trip in the car to Myrtle Beach, where grandma rented a house.Soren got all sunblocked up, covered in clothes from head to toe, and hung out under an SPF 50 cabana. Fun!Then his mom and dad shocked him with the cold beach water, and he was MAD. More fun!Soren met Aunt Alex for the first time, and threw up on her lots, and peed on her at least three times. They are really good buds now.
Grandma's puppy Belle came to the beach house, too, although she wasn't allowed to play with the baby since her legs are about 4 feet long and she doesn't quite have control over them yet. And she eats weird things.Soren visited his first tiki lounge while at the beach:
Then we came home via Summerville so Soren could meet Papi Gregand Mamie Vero.

So had several other visitors, including Marlene. She likes to smell babies, so she zoomed right over.

We had a great week!

PS--Happy two-month birthday, little monster.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

it's official...

Soren HATES the car. I thought babies were supposed to love the car and fall asleep immediately, but Soren decidedly does neither. We went to visit our friend Elaine and Baby Nathan yesterday, and I had to stop at two different gas stations on the way simply to try to calm down the little man and keep him from having an apoplectic fit. I am really nervous about our long drive this weekend--at least the dad will be driving so the mom can sit in the back and try to console Car Hater. If I ever considered going farther than 10 miles on my own with Soren stuck in the backseat, I have become disabused of that whim.

On a happier note, Elaine and Nathan looked great...he is such a little peanut. He was born exactly four weeks to the day after Soren; he was a week late and his mom had to be induced. He is so tiny! I don't remember Soren ever being that small. He is a pacifier junkie, too--I am jealous.

Speaking of Soren not being small, he was up to 13 pounds, six ounces in his seventh week. He has outgrown ALL his newborn and small diapers...we have had to order a whole new round of the next size up. We're going to put all the old ones on a diaper consignment site. Until we find a diaper that we absolutely love, we don't want to pawn the outgrown ones off on our friends.

We've tried Kissaluvs contour and fitted diapers with a variety of covers (Stacinator wool covers and Sugar Peas fleece and wool flannel covers), Happy Heineys and Happy Heineys one-size-fits-all pocket diapers, Happy Hempys with covers, Mommy's Touch pocket and all-in-ones (AIOs), and most recently Tommy bought several Bum Genius 3.0 pocket diapers. My favorite combo is the Kissaluv cotton contour diaper with a Sugar Peas fleece cover, although the cotton feels wet the the baby unlike some of the other diapers that have a dry-touch feel when wet, so they do require hourly changes. We are about to try out Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers, which are described on several diaper sites as the "workhorse" of cloth diapers. Yes, in case you are wondering, having an embarrassing name is requisite of cloth diaper lines. Lame!

Monday, July 14, 2008

More narrative to come

Now that Soren is seven weeks old (today!), he is a lot more interactive. We'll have a lot more to discuss on his blog from now on.

Last week, Auntie Kim and her fiancé Matt (we'll make it easy by calling him Uncle Matt) came to visit! Soren hopes they get a baby for him to play with soon. Well, after they get married in December, at least.

Soren also is eating lots and lots...he weighed in at 13 pounds, 6 ounces at the end of last week. He is now wearing all his 3 - 6 month clothes, and even some 6 - 12 month items, like this very cool hoody sweatshirt. He looks fierce!

We got a Baby Björn this weekend so that Soren can help us around the house with chores. He learned how to do laundry yesterday. Good thing, since he makes multiple loads a day! He especially likes to pee in the new diaper we are putting on him, and maybe even do a poo in the second new one. At least we have full loads in the washer and don't waste any water...