Then we came home via Summerville so Soren could meet Papi Greg
So had several other visitors, including Marlene. She likes to smell babies, so she zoomed right over.
We had a great week!
PS--Happy two-month birthday, little monster.
Soren is a boy who knows what he wants. For example, to grow his hair out as long as his best friend Ingrid's.
Now that Soren is seven weeks old (today!), he is a lot more interactive. We'll have a lot more to discuss on his blog from now on.
Last week, Auntie Kim and her fiancé Matt (we'll make it easy by calling him Uncle Matt) came to visit! Soren hopes they get a baby for him to play with soon. Well, after they get married in December, at least.
Soren also is eating lots and lots...he weighed in at 13 pounds, 6 ounces at the end of last week. He is now wearing all his 3 - 6 month clothes, and even some 6 - 12 month items, like this very cool hoody sweatshirt. He looks fierce!
We got a Baby Björn this weekend so that Soren can help us around the house with chores. He learned how to do laundry yesterday. Good thing, since he makes multiple loads a day! He especially likes to pee in the new diaper we are putting on him, and maybe even do a poo in the second new one. At least we have full loads in the washer and don't waste any water...