I have gotten lots of nice presents and cards since I was born. Thank you to Aunt Kim and Uncle Matt for my Year of the Rat outfit! Thank you to Great-Grandmother Marjorie for my cute big-boy outfits! Thanks, Grannie, for my PINK hydrangea (my parents are working on turning it blue!), my silver rattle, my book, and my octopus swim trunks.
I also received some nice presents from my grandma's friends from school and church--Mrs. Love and Tracie gave my parents a beautiful picture frame with a photo of all of us in it, Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Blackmun sent me cool socks and a book, and Mrs. Luellan gave me a onesie that says Ask Grandma!, an Old MacDonald's Farm finger puppet book, and a cool dump truck. A student from grandma's class named Cree West sent me a bathrobe with puppies on it! My grandma's friend Ms. Anna (she lives across the street) sent my parents a gift card so they can buy me all the stuff I need, like new clothes because I grow so fast!
My friends from Chicago, Sam and Rafi, sent me a TON of awesome books, including Charlie Parker Played Be Bop, Knuffle Bunny, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Sheep in a Jeep, Philadelphia Chickens, and We're Going on a Bear Hunt. My great aunt Ginnie sent me a check (my mom is making me put it in my 529 fund!), and Aunt Alex and Uncle Rich sent me a funny outfit that says "One Day I will Egg a House," and a cool wine cooler, I mean bottle cooler. It matches my diaper bag exactly! Aunt Alex is fancy.
Dave and Gail Anson sent me a beautiful white blankie that Gail made herself. My mom loves it! I also got a super cool Beaba baby food steamer/grinder/maker from Great Aunt Cindy and Great Uncle Micky, along with a baby food cook book. Just a couple more months until I can try it out, I can't WAIT. My mom might practice tonight, though.
Miss Turner sent me a picture frame set for my hand and foot prints, and a matching frame (it has an elephant on it) for my photo. Mom says I'm super handsome in all my photos.
Uncle Rich's parents, Penny and Al, sent me a navy blue striped organic layette set with a blanket, pajamas, and a hat, AND a book (it's a Goodnight Moon counting book). I LOVE the blanket because it is super soft, but I haven't worn the outfit yet. My mom will post photos when it fits me (it's sized 6 month, but she thinks I'll probably fit into really soon!).
Last week and this weekend I got more presents! Auntie Kim's mom, Lib, sent me EIGHT new onesies and two pairs of pants. I am going to wear them at the beach next week! I also got two very cool beach outfits from my French girlfriend Lisa and her parents, Laurent and Christine. She's one year old now, so she's an older lady. They also sent a suave polo shirt and a crinkly French book with animals in it. I am learning my first French words! Also, mom's great aunt Claudia and her husband Mel from Florida sent me three cute outfits. I will be fitting into them VERY shortly. I am trying to gain all the weight I can so that when I start walking I don't shrivel up and blow away, in case you are wondering.